Anyone reading this who is not keen to the large gap, between this post and the last one, can now rest easy knowing that they’ve been made aware of its existence. The existence of a large gap.
Yes, it’s been a while.
I don’t know why I must point this out.
Perhaps it is a matter of integrity to which I am obligating myself. An honesty about where I’ve been (relating to this project).
Well, absent. Sort of.
I’ve been drawing the drawings.
but I’ve been sluggish on the scanning. I need to use the big one at the library.
And without scans to make a post with, I haven’t bothered to write the words that complete the blog post experience that I want to provide.
So the trail has gone cold, but guess what?
Daddy’s home.
I’ll keep it brief with the jib-jab this round because I really can’t bear to listen to myself talk too much. What with being as tardy and/or low-performing as I’ve been with this. That’s been my m-o for too long, and I wish it to change.
This post is another step toward growth.
Here’s to you.
Some of the backlog of piled-up drawings:

I began this post several days ago, and wrote a lot of garbage. Probably around 1500 words, but it wasn’t good. So I scrapped it. It would have been a waste of your time, and I don’t want to take that chance unless I’m on point with my business.
So keep a look out. Maybe I’ll get into a rhythm and we can have some more fun next time.
Thank you,